April 2021 Newsletter
Principal’s Letter
Dear Parents, Students and our CGLSS Community,
April showers bring May flowers or in our case this April of 2021 is a chance for us to meet in person once again. Our exams for A1, A2, DSD1, and DSD2 have been completed and a big thank you to our teachers and parents who were a tremendous support for our test takers. There may have been gummi bears involved to help ease the tension for some, or it was the endless supply of bananas for DSD1 that helped our students and teachers get through the exams.
As we prepare to meet once again in person at our two locations Capitol Hill Community Association and Banff Trail Community Association there are layers of protocols in place to help protect both teachers and students. While mask wearing is not always ideal for learning a language, we are confident that there are many benefits of having an in-person experience as well as learning remotely through our online options. Class sizes will continue to be restricted and periodically may be required to shift to online as needed, so bear with us if this occurs in your class. We wish for continued healing and reduced numbers in hospitals both in our province and around the world. We couldn’t continue as a school without your ongoing support as learners, teachers and parent community as we have transitioned to different locations, modes of delivery and adjusted our staffing needs.
We are beginning to plan classes for next Fall and look forward to your input as a community for some possible class offerings. Please watch for a survey that will be coming to you from your teachers and we appreciate your feedback regarding some upcoming possibilities as we move forward. Early bird registration will be coming soon so watch your email for the link and pricing for the 2021/22 school year. We appreciate how committed you all have been as learners at level of programming and helping each other navigate through remote classes and new platforms of delivery.
“-Anfangen ist leicht, beharren eine Kunst.”
As we transition to in person learning when possible we still want to remind each other of appropriate digital citizenship, active participation, remembering to turn our cameras on and wear stretchy pants if you want too. We are so fortunate as a CGLSS community to have an incredible group of teachers who remind us to raise our hands, show up for class on time, and help us by modeling their preparedness for class. If you are interested in being a guest reader or storyteller for a class be sure to let your teacher know or if you want to get involved with our volunteer CGLSS parent Board all are welcome.
Please note important dates:
Saturday Classes
In Person April 10, 17, 24 (unless otherwise specified by your teacher)
No School May 22 Victoria Day Weekend
Last Day of School June 12 (All classes will meet at Capitol Hill)
Weeknight Youth Program
No School April 20,21 (PD for Teachers)
*No class for DSD1 only May 4* (Everyone else has regular class both May 4 & 5)
Last Day of School May 18, 19
Please remind all students to return their course books by the last day of class. Workbooks are theirs to keep.
Adult Learners
Please confirm dates with your teacher.
Thank you all for sharing your concerns and showing your support as we continue adjusting our programming and begin our planning for the next school year. As we make every effort to maintain quality teaching, we understand the challenges of our learners and teachers as we shift between the different types of classes. We appreciate how much you do as the CGLSS community in making it happen and keeping the impact of the transitions as minimal as possible. We at CGLSS greatly appreciate your flexibility and feedback throughout the school year.
With warm wishes,
Marie Gailer
Calgary German Language School Society (CGLSS)
Alberta, Canada